The "White for peace & oneness" movement - Attached is a WHITE image, symbol of peace, oneness & universal brotherhood. What is our purpose on this planet earth? To love, live & let others live with peace, we are one. Make this image your profile photo for some days, and then we would just recognize each other with this white color, to symbolize that we are one, very close to each other, and nothing can divide or bring fear to us. Let us go WHITE and together celebrate oneness, love and peace.
Human Carpenter:
Oneness is a universal state of life which exists between all living souls, be it humans, animals, birds, insects or plants. It is our ignorance about principles of life that we create disharmony and face natural disasters.
Life is a force of vital energy (coordinated controlled factory of ATPs) that runs in every living particle, no differentiation between any nation, territory, states, religion, caste, sub-caste, community, colony… Whenever humans have used discrimination to rule, nature shows its after effects as death clouds supervene in form of riots or war.
Oneness means all living souls are connected through skyforce, we can have intuition, dreams (déjà vu), telepathy, forecasts. And nature knows how to keep balance, the total net atoms (mass) on earth remain constant always. We take birth, have food that comes from soil (earth) or cattle, and when we die we dissolve into soil/ashes (earth) or eaten up by insects, the net mass remains constant. The more population is increasing, the more vegetations/pure air/oil/water resources are decreasing, and net mass is same.
Love is only universal energy that keeps nature in harmony, be it with nature, animals, or humans, and that keeps the world alive. If anyone uses hatred and creates violence, the negative force (localized black hole) sucks all smiles, happiness and harmony resulting in disaster.
Peace is only way to keep love and life in harmony, if the ignorant illiterate humans understand this, humanity flourishes, otherwise disaster is the sequel.
I, call upon the World to be in harmony of Love, Peace and Oneness, a world with a single religion of Humanity, a single language of Love, Unconditional Love for All…
Human Carpenter !
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